Two-Phase Treatment

Orthodontic treatment is not a one-size-fits-all solution. At iSmile Orthodontics, we are dedicated to providing personalized care that addresses the unique needs of each patient, particularly our younger ones. This commitment leads us to recommend a two-phase orthodontic treatment approach in certain cases. Two-phase treatment is a specialized process that combines tooth straightening and physical, facial changes through orthodontic procedures at optimal times, ensuring the best outcome for a healthy, functional, and aesthetically pleasing smile.

What is Two-Phase Treatment?

Two-phase orthodontic treatment consists of two separate periods of treatment, divided by a rest period. The first phase targets the jaw’s structure and growth, addressing skeletal discrepancies that can affect the future alignment of teeth and facial aesthetics. The second phase focuses on moving the teeth into their ideal positions, enhancing both function and appearance.

Two-phase treatment offers several benefits, including:

  • Improved potential for a healthier and more attractive smile
  • Corrected jaw growth, leading to improved facial symmetry
  • Reduced risk of trauma to protruding front teeth
  • Enhanced self-esteem and confidence during formative years
  • Potentially reduced need for future dental corrections

Phase One: Building the Foundation

The goal of the first phase is to help the jaw develop in a way that accommodates all permanent teeth and improves the way the upper and lower jaws fit together. Treatment during this phase often involves the use of orthodontic appliances, such as expanders or partial braces, to guide jaw growth, correct crossbites, overbites, or underbites, and create space for emerging permanent teeth.

Starting treatment while a child is still growing allows us to achieve results that may not be possible once the face and jaws have finished growing. This early intervention can simplify later treatment, sometimes eliminating the need for extraction or surgery.

Resting Period

Following the first phase, there is a resting period where no appliances are worn. During this time, the remaining permanent teeth are allowed to emerge naturally. We will monitor the teeth’s progress periodically to ensure they are coming in properly and to determine the ideal timing for the second phase of treatment.

Phase Two: Perfecting the Smile

The second phase begins once all permanent teeth have erupted. This phase typically involves full upper and lower braces or Invisalign aligners, aiming to move the teeth into their optimal positions. By adjusting each tooth’s placement, we enhance the mouth’s overall function and ensure a harmonious relationship between the teeth, jaws, and facial aesthetics.

The duration of this phase varies depending on the individual’s specific needs but usually lasts for an average of 12 to 24 months. After completing the second phase, retainers are used to maintain the teeth’s new positions and ensure the lasting success of the treatment.

At iSmile Orthodontics, we understand that every child’s smile is unique. During your consultation, we’ll conduct a thorough examination to determine if two-phase treatment is the best approach for your child’s needs. Our goal is to provide a foundation for a lifetime of beautiful smiles.

Accelerated Treatment

In an era where time is of the essence, achieving a perfect smile quickly and efficiently has become a priority for many. At iSmile Orthodontics, we understand the desire for rapid results without compromising quality or care. That’s why we’re proud to offer accelerated orthodontic treatment, a fast-track path to straighter teeth and a more beautiful smile in just 6-12 months.

What is Accelerated Orthodontic Treatment?

Accelerated orthodontic treatment is an innovative approach designed for individuals seeking a swift solution to minor dental misalignments. Unlike traditional orthodontic treatments that may span several years, accelerated treatment focuses on correcting specific issues such as crowding, spacing, or minor bite discrepancies within a significantly reduced timeframe.

This method is ideal for adults and teenagers who desire quick fixes — straightening a few front teeth, closing gaps, or making slight adjustments for aesthetic purposes. By targeting only the teeth that need correction, we can achieve your desired results faster, allowing our patients to enjoy their new smiles sooner.

How Does Accelerated Orthodontic Treatment Work?

Our accelerated treatment plans utilize the same tried-and-true orthodontic devices as traditional methods, including metal and ceramic braces, Invisalign, and lingual braces. The key difference lies in the customized treatment strategy, focusing on efficiency and speed without sacrificing the quality of outcomes.

At iSmile Orthodontics, our skilled orthodontists employ precise planning and advanced techniques to move teeth into their desired positions more quickly. By concentrating on fewer teeth or less complex adjustments, we can significantly reduce treatment times, often completing cases in just 6 to 12 months.

Teeth Whitening

At iSmile Orthodontics, we believe that a radiant, white smile can significantly boost your confidence and improve your overall appearance. Understanding the importance of having a bright smile, we are proud to offer Opalescence, a leading name in teeth whitening solutions, known for its effectiveness and reliability in delivering remarkable results.

Opalescence is a safe, effective, and customizable option for everyone looking to brighten their smiles. The key to Opalescence’s success lies in its unique formula containing PF (potassium nitrate and fluoride), which not only whitens teeth but also minimizes sensitivity and helps maintain enamel health during the whitening process.

Opalescence teeth whitening products use hydrogen peroxide gel to chemically break down stains on the teeth, resulting in a brighter, whiter smile. The process is simple and straightforward, whether you choose to use the take-home kits with custom trays or the convenient Opalescence Go prefilled trays. For best results, it’s important to follow the specific instructions provided with your chosen product, ensuring that excess gel is cleaned off and that the mouth is thoroughly rinsed after each session.

At iSmile Orthodontics, we’re committed to helping you achieve your dream smile. Our team will work with you to determine the most appropriate Opalescence product based on your whitening goals, lifestyle, and dental health. We’ll guide you through the process, from the initial consultation to the final reveal of your brighter, whiter smile.


Retainers play a pivotal role in orthodontic care post-braces or Invisalign treatment. They are custom-made devices designed to keep teeth in their new, correct positions after they have been straightened. Without the consistent use of a retainer, teeth can gradually shift back toward their original positions, undoing the hard work and investment in your orthodontic treatment.

Straight Teeth For Life Program

At iSmile Orthodontics, we understand that achieving a beautiful, straight smile is just the beginning of your orthodontic journey. Maintaining that perfect alignment is crucial, which is why we’re excited to offer our innovative Straight Teeth For Life Program. This unique subscription-based service ensures that your smile stays as flawless as the day your braces came off, without the worry of unexpected costs or the inconvenience of replacing lost retainers.

  • Subscription-Based Service — For a low monthly fee, our Straight Teeth For Life Program covers all your retainer needs. This includes free replacements of your retainers as needed, ensuring your smile remains straight and beautiful without additional financial strain.
  • Customized Pricing Based On Your Needs — We understand that each patient’s needs are unique. The pricing of your subscription will be determined based on the number of retainers you require, offering a personalized plan that fits your specific needs.
  • Hassle-Free Replacement — Accidents happen, and retainers can be lost or damaged. With our program, if you lose your retainer, getting a replacement is as simple as visiting us – all included in your subscription pricing. Say goodbye to the stress and high costs of replacing your retainer.
  • Support For Unexpected Shifting — If you’ve lost your retainer for an extended period (up to 6 months) and experience some teeth shifting, our program offers a solution. You can access treatment to correct the shifting at a reduced monthly price, with no start-up costs involved. This ensures that minor setbacks don’t turn into major issues.

Ready to protect your investment and keep your smile perfect for life? Ask our team about our Straight Teeth For Life Program and how you can get started.